Hi Ankesh,
The answers are below to your questions:
1) How to read context node value from view, from opportunity I have to read BP Partner??
lr_entity = me->typed_context->context_node_name->collection_wrapper->get_current.
lv_value = lr_entity->get_property_as_string( partner_no).
This lv_value contains the value of partner_no.
2) On the basis of this BP Partner I need to fetch relationship (Table BUT050) on the basis of BUT050-PARTNER1 and BUT050-RELTYP I need to fetch BUT050-PARTNER2 , So should I write Select Query or what should be the approach.
First check the relationship name in genil_bol_browser, that which relation you want to access based on table BUT050,then from the below code you can access the relationship.
lv_entity = lv_iterator->get_first( ).
while lv_entity is bound.
lv_children ?= lv_entity->get_related_entities(
iv_relation_name = ‘MyRelation’).
lv_result->add_collection( lv_children ).
3) After fetching the BUT050-PARTNER2 I have to display it on view , I am using BT111H_OPPT_PR and enhance it with Z Enh Set, The new field should I add it under existing node or create new node.
add a new field in UI in that new node.
4) The new field does not exist in BOL , so should I have to create or enhance anything in BOL or I will just take reference of any other field and create it on view.
If the field does not exist in bol structure, then create a new field with AET so that it will come in UI and will show data.
Please follow the above steps and let me know if you have any issues.