Hello Ki,
I assume that the environment you are using is satisfying all of the pre-installed software and other pre-requisites that is specified in the guide.
I am also assuming that you have successfully created the "mobr5" schema on your oracle database using the 001_MONEY_drop_and_create_user.ddl script.
If these two assuptions are correct then you should be able to execute the jar file against the mobr5 Oracle schema.
The important thing to know at this point is make sure that your dbmaintain.properties.oracle file is configured properly.
For Example:
(The information in the datbase.url entry MUST be accurate to connect to your Oracle database instance and run the installation scripts against the mobr5 schema)
If you used the default schema and password information when creating the mobr5 schema, the following information DOES NOT need to be changed.
Finally the Oracle JDBC driver should reside somewhere on the server you are attempting to execute the jar file. You will need to specifiy the location of this driver in the dbmaintain.properties.oracle file
database.driverLocation=<path to Oracle JDBC driver>
All of the other variables in the dbmaintian.properties.oracle file should be sufficient for your environment as is.
After making sure your database connection information and JDBC driver location is set correctly in the dbmaintain.properties.oracle you should be able to execute
java –jar com.sybase365.mobiliser.vanilla.standalone-5.1.3.PL02-scriptarchive-oracle- driverless.jar –c dbmaintain.properties.oracle
with no issue if you have the correct Java version installed in your environment. If you are still experiencing issues please let me know what version of Java you are using.
One more thing that you can check is make sure that the system user, you are attempting to execute the Java command with, has proper permissions to the JDBC driver located on your system.
I hope this information helps you move forward