Re: OOPS ALV - SY-PAGNO and SY-CPAGE equal to 0
I am submiting the report to batch and a spool is generated (which make a sense).My 2 cents ... As Raymond has also suggested that the the SY-PAGNO & SY-CPAGE variables are filled by the runtime...
View ArticleRe: Error found in PBT environment, FM = SPBT_INITIALIZE
Hi Daniel, Your recent changes have reflected to this error message Could you refer below SAP notes Note 727709 - MESSAGE_TYPE_X short dump in SPBT_INITIALIZE in RFCNote 999639 - SPBT_INITIALIZE...
View ArticleRe: PI Tracking File to IDoc
Hi Suwandi,If you want to monitor the origin of a particular idoc generated by PI you can try with the user-defined search (since PI 7.11), you can use payload values. Check Niki Scaglione's blog...
View ArticleIndex is not displaying links in Web Ui
Hi, I have added the standard index work center in my nav bar : in parallel activating links when defining the business role : But not a single link appears in Web UI : Does anyone know what...
View ArticleRe: Correct way of doing insertions/updations
In the meantime ODATA services should have write-support.Take a look...
View ArticleRe: CIF error - ECC system to SCM system
Hi Sapbasis, Please check in your SCM system is connected to business group, SPRO->Integration via APO CIF->Basic settings->Maintain BSGs.Also SCM IMG>Integration with SAP...
View ArticleRe: Exception Message 10 in MD04
Hello Pankaj,Check what rescheduling horizon you maintained in t-code OMDW. Its related to rescheduling check. Note 550302 - FAQ: Rescheduling check ( Check question 1 as shown below.) Regards,
View ArticleRe: Adding a service material during invoice issuing
Hi Fabrizio, How about creating a separate Invoice for the Service Material and using Invoice List-Would that be okay to your requirement. Alternatively, how about updating the Service Material in the...
View ArticleRe: Org Chart modifications...
Hi Kevin, Yes, the Workforce Viewer is part of HR Renewal so if you aren't going to go with HR Renewal you can use the EMBORGCH component instead. For SAP Notes, search using search term EMBORGCH will...
View ArticleVer9 changed decimal point but it doesnt take effect
Hi, Just want to check does anyone using version 9 has this problem? My customer is on version 9 PL 5, when they go to general settings to change 'Price' decimal points from 2 to 3, go to Sales Order...
View ArticleRe: Error in installing add-on "EPMConnector.xlx" into BI4 Dashboard
Hi Gordon, EPM connector delivered from EPM Add-in SP13 Patch04 or higher is supported with Dashboard SP03 or higher. This KBA contains more detailed information.1910256 - The support matrix of EPM...
View ArticleRe: BO Analysis Office: Support for Wildcards in Variables (Selection Option)
Hi Markus, We are already working on support for wildcards in prompt. Something like CP (contaiins pattern) similar to what we have in BEx Analyzer. There is a very good chance for this feature to make...
View ArticleRe: CMS Assembly Finished With Errors
Hi Korthik, Please do the below activity to resolve the issue: * apply the latest patch for DI_DTR of SP23 [ Note: 1565151 ]* Apply full permission for DIR: /usr/sap/Ntrans/CMS/log* Apply full...
View ArticleRe: Need DTW Template for updating Mfg serial no
Hi, You can below three classes SerialNumberDetail SerialNumberDetailParams SerialNumberDetailsService Code should be as below SerialNumberDetailsService oSerialNumberDetailsService =...
View ArticleRe: Missing Class CL_IM_SIC_NOTIFY_ILN after upgrade to NW731
Hi,I dont see this CL_IM_SIC_NOTIFY_ILN.(What is this class or interface) I can see that the interface was enhance in the below support pack in your system. SAPK-731BCINSAPBASIS SAP_BASIS 731 Update:...
View ArticleRe: IGS: Business graphics are not displayed in Web Dynpro.
Hi Korthik, Please verify the IGS URL that has been configured if it has been configured as localhost, please modify the URL from localhost to the required sap instance and validate. Regards,Mouly
View ArticleRe: Personal ID Service for US
I think its not present for US (both in WDA and WDJ), its there for China and few other countries.Might be you can use it for US or make a copy and do the modifications as required for US.
View ArticleRe: Dashboard 4.0 with EPMconnector 7.5 connecting to BPC 7.5
Hi Spencer,If you want to use EPM Connector 7.5, you need to use Xcelsius 2008. Dashboard is not officially supported with EPM Connector 7.5. You can find this information on the latest BPC NW 7.5...
View ArticleRe: Issue with program
Hi Amine Lamkaissi, 1. Before using READ statement with BINARY SEARCH - SORT internal table. 2. Avoid LOOP inside LOOP - Use Parallel Cursor method. 3. Avoid DELETE inside the loop - Use DELETE after...
View ArticleRe: Converting a spool containing 'multiple copies' of a smartform to PDF
Hi Arthur, //if you have 1 spool with 5 copies then those copies are identical.if in the copies something has changed like original duiplicate triplicate etc than I guess it should be different spools...
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