Update: After playing around a bit, I decided to start from scratch on the dynamic image issue, and I created a new report and tried just a basic SQL command that would grab the image based on who was logged in, and it worked. So then I tried to copy over the SQL command of the report that was created in the previous version of crystal reports into a new report and resetup the rest of the report and the dynamic image worked as well. Finally, I created a new report from importing that report in so that it would setup everything automatically and the dynamic imaging worked that time as well. The only thing I can conclude is that the old reports did not update correctly/wouldn't work correctly under the new crystal reports version (even though it stated something about updating the report when I first opened it up or first saved it).
My only issue now is the CR viewer's toolbar and why it is being cut off, as shown by the image in my previous post. Again thanks for the help and any thoughts?