Dear Parth,
Thank you for providing the oss note its useful but in my case the the scenario is different.
Below process flow...
Payment term 60 days
1-Billing document from SD route created.(dated 28.05.2013 which already due)
2-Check payment received from customers through T code F-02( we are not using the t code F-28)(dated 01.08.2013)
3-Clearing both the document t-code F-32 dated 01.08.2013 (Using standard option change of difference with putting Posting key 07 and customer code and with difference amount.we are not using the option partial payment and residual payment.
4- this difference amount showing as open item doc type AB in FBL5N with not due which should have shown overdue.
The same process uses in before 4.7 and shown as overdue and after up gradation we facing this as not due.
Please find the screen shot for your reference....