Thanks John. The blogs really helped but have to still go through many other links in it.
And also, I have few others questions and lot want re-confirmation on some of my please bear some time for me and reply me with your thoughts on below items,,,,
Below is what I know and I thing this is what exactly it is but thought of re-confirming Please review.
As of now, what I understand about SAPUI5 is ...
1) SAPUI5 is a front end or user interface language built which uses jQuery and HTML5.
2) All FIORI apps are developed using SAPUI5 language and any customization to be done by customer to FIORI apps needs be done using SAPUI5 language.
3) Apart from FIORI apps, I can also use SAPUI5 language in builting fron-end for applications as an alternative to WebDynpro ABAP/WebDynproJava. Ofcourse with SAPUI5 + Netweaver Gateweaver combination.
Please let me know if my understanding of any of the above point is wrong.
And also, I have two questions....
1) If my company wants to implement or install FIORI apps then don't we also need to have Netweaver Gateway server set-up ?
2) If my company wants to implement or install FIORI apps then this has to be in a new R3 server ? or in Netweaver Gateway server ?
3) Can we set-up FIORI launchpad in SAP Enterprise Portal ? If yes, then from which version of SAP EP.