Hi Abhilash!
I am thrilled to inform you that I have finally solved my problem after playing with all possibilities!
I see 53 views to my post, so it seems many people have similar problems.
This is what you wrote:
Well, the following works for me:
1) Create a Text Object that is large enough and fits the width and height of the section
2) Place the field inside this text object
This will make sure that no area of the section is exposed for unintentional clicks!
It works fine if you are previewing from Crystal Report.
To make it work if the report is run from SAP B1, step 3 is needed...
3) Format the text box as Hyperlink -> An e-mail address.
Add a fictitious e-mail address e.g xxx@xxx.com
THEN you run the report in SAP B1 (Preview External Crystal Reports file)
If you click on the text box, you get this error message:
No application is associated with the specified file for this operation
So, no drill down takes place. Just click OK to clear the message.
If you remove the hyperlink, drilldown reappears
Please spread the good news if you get people asking this question!
Please check if it works on your side.
Best Regards
Leon Lai