Hi All,
We have created around 40 objects in the universe and set object access level to Restricted and at CMC we have assigned restricted access to Group ABCgroup on this universe . So that only ABC group can able to see these 40 obejcts and it worked as expected.
Our backend is SQLserver and we have created connection using Generic account (ABC_BOBJ) with SQL server authentication.
Issue is- We are not able to retrive data for restricted objects(all 40) . All other objects are retriving data while querying from BOBJ except these 40 restricted obejcts.
Error message :
Database error: [Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0] : The server principal "ABD_BOBJ" is not able to access the database "DBNAME" under the current security context.. (IES 10901) (WIS 10901).
Can you shre some suggestions.