Hi Ken,
Please let me copy the following relevant part of the interface documentation:
The field NAME is used to uniquely identify a partition-specific property. It contains the technical name of the property.
The following rules and consistency conditions apply:
1. A property can only be specified once per partition. Non-unique value assignments are not allowed.
2. Partition-specific properties are optional. If a specific property is not specified for a partition, the value of the SPO reference object is applied to this property.
3. Partition-specific properties are only supported, if an SPO consists of DataStore objects. If an SPO consists of InfoCubes, you cannot specify partition-specific properties for this SPO.
4. Using the technical name 'DATA_CLASS', you can specify the logical save parameter data class for the generated tables of DataStore objects - on a partition-specific basis. We recommend that you use the constant CL_RSLPO_COMPONENT=>C_PROPNAME_DATA_CLASS instead of the literal.
5. No other partition-specific properties are supported apart from the data class.
To answer your first question: yes, only DSO-based SPOs are supported according to rule 3.
To answer your second question: L_S_PART_PROP-VALUE should be filled with a Data Class as you can find in the Database Storage Parameters of your reference object (in SPO change mode: Change Object; menu path: Extras > DB Performance > Maintain DB-Storage Parameters). Please see the following screenshot:
You can pick here a value from table DDART. There are standard SAP Data Classes but you can also define your own.
Depending on your database, the Data Class is linked to a physical storage area. E.g. table space for Oracle databases (i.e. table TAORA).
Last but not least 2 remarks:
- Please check SAP Note 1847954 - 730SP10:Change of dataclass for active table/activation queue of DSO or SPO based on DSO does not work correctly; it could be relevant to implement this SAP Note if you are BW 7.31 SP07 or lower;
- I don't know why SAP decided to provide this functionality only for DSOs. You might decide to create an SAP Message or Idea.
Best regards,